Elizabeth Fairchild
[email protected]
Pittsburgh, PA: Today, as Vice President Kamala Harris announced her manufacturing economic plans in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, business leaders from across industries touted her approach as one that would ensure stability and a sound environment for manufacturing growth nationwide.
Business Forward President Jim Doyle released the following statement:
“Vice President Harris has released a sound plan that will help to spur innovation in manufacturing, and her pro-growth policies will help to create a stable environment for American businesses. This plan will encourage more private investment in American businesses and American workers, targeting places overlooked by investors for decades. It will build on the manufacturing boom prompted by reforms and incentives in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Inflation Reduction Act, and CHIPS & Science Act.
“We need more, not less, stability for businesses in the United States, and the Harris approach promises stable footing and a sure path forward to lowering costs, ensuring a welcoming business environment, and creating higher wages for American workers.”
Business Forward has helped more than 270,000 local business leaders make the “business case” for climate action, affordable healthcare, immigration reform, diversity and inclusion, sensible tax laws, criminal justice reform, infrastructure investment, new trade deals, and other pro-growth reforms. Our leaders brief policymakers, work with local media, publish op-eds, submit testimony, and advocate online. We also promote their recommendations through issue briefs, survey reports, training manuals, podcasts, and social media. More than 800 mayors, governors, members of Congress, and senior Administration officials have participated in our briefings, including three presidents.
Business leaders who have participated in our briefings have seen their suggestions reflected in President Biden’s “build back better” legislation, including the Inflation Reduction Act, CHIPs Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, and the American Recovery Act. They have also helped shape the Affordable Care Act, the JOBS Act, the Clean Power Plan, five trade agreements, and more than a dozen presidential budgets.
Business Forward, Inc., is a trade group supported by more than 60 of America’s most respected companies. The Business Forward Foundation is an independent research and education organization that takes a business-minded look at policy issues affecting America’s economic competitiveness.