DECEMBER 20, 2021
Elizabeth Fairchild
[email protected]
Washington, DC — This weekend, Senator Manchin voiced concerns about the scale and scope of the Build Back Better Act and declined to vote yes on the bill in its current form. Liz Fairchild, Executive Director of Business Forward, issued the following statement in response:
“Despite this setback in negotiations, the need to pass the Build Back Better Act remains urgent. Small business leaders across the country continue to call for consensus in Congress, and recognize that an imperfect deal is better than no deal at all.
More than 650 business leaders signed our statement in support of the Build Back Better framework and continue to demand Congress make progress on the agenda.
Getting an updated version of the bill across the finish line is critical to building a more economically competitive, inclusive, cleaner, and healthier America. Congress needs to resume negotiations as quickly as possible to pass the budget package and bring the U.S. back to the table on climate.”
Business Forward helps local business leaders make the “business case” for climate action, affordable healthcare, immigration reform, diversity and inclusion, sensible tax laws, criminal justice reform, infrastructure investment, and other pro-growth reforms. These leaders brief policymakers, work with local media, publish op-eds, submit testimony, advocate online, and organize their communities. We also promote their recommendations through issue briefs, survey reports, training manuals, and podcasts. More than 650 mayors, governors, members of Congress, and senior Administration officials have participated in our briefings.